Welcome to Tracking Yes: A Guide to Everyday Magic

Doug Van Houten

Doug Van Houten Profile Photo

Nature-based Soul Guide

Doug Van Houten draws on the wisdom of the natural world, depth-psychology, eco-psychology, dreams, somatic knowing, poetry, and many pan-cultural, soul furthering practices that include: The Way of Council, vision fasting, shadow work, symbolic artwork, trance dancing and conversations with the more than human world.

Doug’s true calling in life is to support others as they uncover their own unique gifts and in so doing, transform their lives in service to what Thomas Berry called ”The Great Work” of our times.

Doug is also an ardent beekeeper, a visual artist, a wily wanderer, a dream tracker, an emergent ceremonialist, a heart-centered activist, and a yoga instructor interested in new forms of somatic practice.

Oct. 1, 2021

Coming Home to a Soul-Centered Life with Doug Van Houten

My guest today is Doug Van Houten, Nature-based Soul Guide. Join us for a fascinating exploration into the ways we've lost touch with our innate, wild relationship with the natural world, and how coming back into that relatio...

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