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The Healing Power of Psychedelics with Rogers Masson
July 13, 2024

The Healing Power of Psychedelics with Rogers Masson

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On today’s show I’m talking with Rogers Masson, a friend and remarkable human, who opens up about his journey with PTSD, and the transformative effects he experienced through psychedelic assisted therapy. 

We talk about why trauma is such a challenging thing for us to navigate, and ways to orient to it that support integration and wholeness.

Rogers speaks about how the effects of MDMA (aka: Ecstasy) were significantly more healing for him than traditional therapy and also shares a negative impact in his treatment that moved him to draw on his 30 year career as a music producer to found a company dedicated to creating sound environments that greatly enhance the healing power of these medicine sessions.

Join us for an exploration of:

  • the stigma of expressing emotions for men
  • the cost of compartmentalization in our lives
  • how to be with intense experiences so they are not stored as trauma
  • how trauma anchors young parts of us in the past
  • giving fragmented parts of self a home in present time
  • creating wholeness through cultivating new stories of our past experiences

Find Rogers' work here: Psysonics Website

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The story that launched the ethos:

Rogers Masson Profile Photo

Rogers Masson

Music Producer, Mixer and Songwriter, Entrepreneur

With 25-years as a music producer, mixer, and songwriter, Rogers worked with marquee companies like Sony, Warner Bros., and Capitol on wide-ranging internationally successful projects. He is a Grammy Awards voting member, a successful entrepreneur, and a US Army veteran.

Rogers was diagnosed with PTSD 12 years ago and his journey led him eventually to the FDA trials developed by MAPS focusing on MDMA as a treatment for PTSD. That experience completely changed his personal life and altered the trajectory of his professional career.

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