Lynda Caesara is a structural body worker who’s spent decades working with imbalances in the body. She helps people come back into optimal health through both physical and energetic alignment.
In our conversation Lynda speaks to managing our electro-magnetic fields and offers five essential practices for connecting to and harnessing energy in the body. Done consistently, these practices will support you in creating a clear and grounded energetic field so you can access the full power of your life force.
We explore:
She also walks us through a five step daily attention practice to declutter your personal energetic space:
The Decluttering Project: FREE Zoom Mentoring Calls
One way of decluttering your energetic field is decluttering your physical world. When you let go of items that no longer serve you, you invite light and airiness into your living space and uncover your environment’s natural beauty and charm.
If this is something you’re ready for and you'd like some help, I’m offering a series of FREE zoom mentoring calls this fall with a focus on tackling one area of clutter in your world and creating some beauty in its place.
The next call is Saturday, October 5th @10 to 11 AM MDT.
Lynda is not currently taking on new clients but if you want to know more about her work, she points to this excellent podcast interview (hosted by one of her long time students) that explores her work in even greater detail:
Mindfulness Exercises Podcast with Sean Fargo
Books mentioned in this episode:
The Honeymoon Effect - Bruce Lipton
Your Inner Physician - John Upledger
The House of Shattering Light - Joseph Rael
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics - Carlo Rovelli
The Tao of Equus - Linda Kohanov
Riding Between the Worlds - Linda Kohanov
The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel van der Kolk M.D
Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing
Wendy Palmer Interview on the Tracking Yes podcast:
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